Debbie's L'Bri Site

Debbie's L'Bri Site
Independent L'Bri Consultant

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Describe the last time you and your kids had a laugh attack

Today my kids and I were eating lunch and everyone started acting silly.
My son loves to scare me but I can never get one up on him.
Today I saw a play ant on the floor, carefully picked it up and put it on
his head without him knowing.  A few minutes later he stretched and
it (the ant) fell on the floor. He jumped and everyone laughed. Then
he was in the outer room getting ready to go outside and I was on the other
side of the curtain. He came in to use a chair to get dressed, I was standing there
and he jumped out of his skin. rofl.  I have never been able to scare in in
a long time... He was laughing so hard and so was everyone else.

Tell of the time... you all had a good laugh.

Dare to dream  and laugh

Monday, January 24, 2011

Who are the 2 most important people that influenced your life?

For me I believe that it was two of my grandfathers.

The one grandfather, on my mothers side, was having dinner with us for a couple of 
weeks one summer. My grandmother was in California helping my aunt with a knew 
baby.  One day while my Grandfather was there my dad asked to see my report card 
that I had gotten that day.  I was crying because I got a D in History.   My grandfather
took me in his arms and told me it was ok. He knew that I did my best and that he
still loved me.

My other grandfather, on my dad's side,  was always happy.  He loved seeing people
and told us if ever we needed help with anything , to ask.  He would save newspapers
and cans for our 4-H found raisers.  He would buy pizzas.  Most of all he loved us and 
would help anyone.  

My grandfathers showed love all the time.  

Who influence you the most?  Why?

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What time of day do you get the most done?

My day.
I get up and check email... get the kids up and we start school work.

Then we eat, put in laundry and do up some dishes.

Back to school work and blogging.

Helping with school work and then eating.  The kids go outside and feed animals and play.
While I am picking up and then finishing some laundry or I exercise while they are outside.

They come in and finish school work and work on projects.

We make dinner and do some cleaning jobs.   We play games... lately it has been card
games and jigsaw puzzles.

Dinner and then projects or away from home things ie... 4-H, meetings etc.

So the answer to the above question for me is morning.

What does your day look like?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

5 steps to take care of Rosacea

Our founder has Rosacea and so our skincare is good for this skin condition.

Step 1.
Stay away from products that irritate your skin... ie... perfumes, plastics, dyes etc.

Step 2

Use skincare formulated for Rosacea, must be healing and gentle to skin (aloe based)

Step 3

Skincare for your skin type.... oily, combination, normal, dry

Step 4

When first using our skincare, stay away from eye area to calm down the skin around your eyes.

Step 5

Use L'Bri's aloe based skincare --- it doesn't have chemicals with dyes, perfumes, oils and plastics

Give us a try... We have a 30 day money back guarantee for all of our skin care.
I have wonderful customer service.  If  I don't know the answer to your question, I will find the answer.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Tell me about your happy day :)

Today I spent the day with my 7 year old son.  We went to Mass this morning together and he talked
all the way there.  It is so amazing what kids can come up with.  Talking about phonics sounds to the
low flying air craft outside.  He says to me would it be fun if we had a helicopter so we could get where
we are going faster.

After Mass, while still at the retreat center, he got to go sledding and play different games inside.
He thought he was going to be board there, but on the way home he was telling me about all the
fun he had.  We were going to go home about 2 but we were having so much fun we didn't even look
at the clock until 3:15.

When we got home we made home made sub sandwiches.
So what kind of fun did you have this weekend?

                                            Dare to Dream and have Fun!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Do you send out cards... just because?

When is the last time you sent a card to someone just because you wanted them to know that you were thinking of them? When is the last time you sent a cards to say Yahoo... you did it?
When is the last time you wanted to send a card but it was to difficult to get the stamps, paper, cards, etc together?

Do you have a business?  Do you have friends?  Do you know people...?

If so,  check out send out cards... It is so easy to make or pick out a card.... write your note
and send it off without leaving your computer.

Send a card to your favorite someone today.

                                                                   Take care of your winter skin.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Have you used aloe for anything besides burns, if so, what?

Have you used aloe for anything besides a burn?
This weekend I used it for infection.  We washed
the infected area and then put the aloe on it.
It burned a few seconds and within 23 hours the
infection was gone.  As aloe heals from the inside out.

What have you used aloe for?  Looking forward to
your answers.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

What do I like about winter?

A post from a couple of years ago

True be told, I don't really like winter.. It is too cold and I don't like driving in snow...
If I don't have to go anywhere, snow is pretty... If it is 20 degrees or warmer, I am willing to go out side and play with the kids.  Yesterday they were playing in the snow. Today it was to cold... 0  degrees. Brr...

I like the trees with the snow sitting on the branches...The snow makes everything look bright and clean.
Winter also, brings tea parties and baking bread.  Wheat bread, Candy cane bread, etc...

I like to knit and this is the time of year that I knit... I will be teaching knitting to 4-H kids this year.  It will be fun to get back to it.  When I was in 4-H, I would knit a lot.  I was fairly good and now I have to get back into practice. I made many sweaters through the years.  Since I have had kids, I haven't had time to do much knitting.  All my kids know how to knit scarves, slippers and wash clothes. I love cotton wash clothes. When you make cotton wash clothes, make sure that you soak them in salt water before using them.  This will set the dye so you don't end up with a wash cloth that fades.  (2011)  This year I finished a prayer shawl to give to lady who
fell and hurt her rotator cuff.  

                                         Intense moisturizer set... wonderful for winter skin

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Blessing of 2010 and Looking on to 2011`

Blessing of 2010

1. First Grand daughter is born beginning of year to oldest daughter.
2. God taught me to keep going even in diversity.
3. Second daughter graduated from college.
3.  Second daughter got married.
4.  I worked cleaning jobs all year.
5.  I worked my L'Bri business
6.  I grew a garden.
7.  I have a wonderful card business
8.  Visited my oldest daughter's family for Thanksgiving.
9.  Got to visit with my cousins for Christmas.
10.  I taught myself many things on the computer this year.
I am Looking forward to 
1 Loving God more.
2 Loving and being with family
3 Reducing debt by
4 Working my cleaning, L'Bri and Send Out Card business.
5. Working with 4-H kids teaching them knitting
6 Visiting my daughters, son-in-laws and granddaughter.
Knitting a sweater for myself and my husband
8 Getting to know the knitting group ladies better.
9 Cooking more homemade foods
10 Watching God's beauty... in people and the great out doors.
                                                                             Try a beginner set today... 
                                                                 IT is a new year... Time to take special care of your skin