Debbie's L'Bri Site

Debbie's L'Bri Site
Independent L'Bri Consultant

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Do you love your skin?

                                      Four basic skincare requirements

       1) Cleansing  2) Exfoliating  3) Freshener  4)Moisturizing

1) When your are cleansing your face, your cleanser should take off 
make-up, dust, dirt, dead skin cells.  Proper cleansing will not dehydrate
your skin or strip of from natural oils.  

Two things to remember is:  to treat your skin gently and never use soap.

2) Exfoliating takes off dead skin that clogs the pores.  Regular exfoliating
will make your skin softer, smoother and younger looking.

3) Freshner is used to reestablish PH and step -up circulations for cell s to
function at there best.

4) Moisturizing protects the skin from moisture loss and guards the skin against
environment. Moisturizers prevent aging and dryness.

Remember - Requirement for skincare is cleansing, exfoliating, freshener, 
and moisturizing.                                          Try a sample today


Unknown said...

I am not a friend to my skin, I am sad to say. :( Never feels like there's enough time in the day. But, I am glad for a reminder!! Now following your blog from MBC!!

Coryanne Ettiene | Kitchen Living with Coryanne said...

I too find that time is not on my side, but as the years have passed I am getting better. You must keep rather busy with 9 little ones to look after, amazing! I am very much into natural skin products, enjoyed your post.